Tooth Movement: The Third Rail of Sleep Apnea Appliances

CAD-CAM Sleep Apnea appliances such as the Narval CC by ResMed and D-SAD by Panthera incorporate a unique band of nylon that attaches the right and left side without contacting the anterior teeth. The design of this band is in our control when prescribing these devices and selecting the wrong design can result in unfavorable outcomes, potentially impacting on ”Tooth Movement” and ”Retention”...

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John Viviano Comment
Increasing Retention of a 3-D Printed Sleep Apnea Appliance

By now most everyone practicing Sleep Dentistry has seen or handled a CAD-CAM sleep apnea appliance; Narval by RESMED and D-SAD by Panthera are common examples. Fabricated by a 3-D printer using a laser sintering process, these appliances are made of type 12 organic polyamide, better known as nylon; a material we simply don’t have much experience with in Dentistry...

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